Print Project Planning Guide
Let this guide be used on planning your next printing project. This page will help you better plan and prepare for your printing jobs. If it can save even one job from being a mistake then it has accomplished what we had hoped it would. Listed below are steps in order of how to properly plan jobs. All jobs can benefit from following this outline, from business cards to 4 color process printing.
1.) Start From the Back
What is the end use of this product? (Is it going to be used outdoors or need to be handled a lot) What will it be used for? (Does it need to be permanent or is it used one or two times)
4.) How Will the Job Need to be Packed
Do we need it to pack in small boxes or big boxes? Do we need it to pack in APPLE boxes or Plain boxes? Does it get Bundled or Shrink Wrapped? Do we need to pull samples or ship to different locations?
7.) What Prepress Work Needs to be Done
Is it a Customer Disk or does APPLE Printing Create Artwork? How much work needs to be done? (Include Fonts, Images, Bleeds) Proof, Customer Proof, then Proof some more. (There can never be enough proofing)
2.) Arrival Date to the Customer
What is the date for delivery? (Is it a RUSH Job or standard turnaround) Set a schedule for when certain parts of the job must be completed. We are dedicated to providing excellent deliveries.
5.) What Type of Bindery Needs to be Done
Is it a book, and will it need to be laid out in a certain manner for bindery? (1/8” creep for books) Will it need to be cut, and what amount of time will it need to dry? (Blue and Green ink take longer time to dry) Are the folds or signatures laid out correctly? (Grain direction plays a part) What other types of bindery will the job need?
3.) How will the Job Ship
Will it deliver via APPLE Van, and is it feasible to do so? Will we need to ship UPS, FED EX, Courier, or other method? (Plan for shipping cost) Will the Customer Pickup? We can handle several delivery options.
6.) What are the Aim Points of the Project
What are you trying to accomplish? (In house material or marketing material) Will the job need to be on high quality or medium grade paper? (Premium or #2 Grade Paper) What ink colors or combinations will work best? (Blue ink on yellow paper looks green) What type of paper to use? (Coated or Uncoated. Smooth or Texture) Can it be done digitally or does it need high quality offset printing?